Monday, January 09, 2006

DONALD BEAG {Advance on Profile for now: Later the blog will be the profile}

I am a migrant from the first third of the 20th century, drawing on educational resources from the middle third, with value added in workshops a little further along the supply line, and reporting from a foothold on the threshold of the 21st.
My heraldic beast is a contrariwise chameleon. It takes a colour at odds with any current background.
Impassioned presentations often have holes that invite me to go through and look at the same material from the other side.
I still have my birthright: rampant “ ‘satiable curtiosity”.
My armourers include the sage of Ockham, demolition experts called Goedel and Karl Popper: plus a cheerful Mr Fred Daly advising
"If you have the numbers use them. If you haven't, get them." Facts as well I hope. I try to do both. As Orwell might never have said: “All facts are vital; accurate numerical facts are more vital than others.” I try with my armourers to give them all a fair go against my prejudices. I look to Fred for help when I present them.
I have a knee-jerk response in favour of high quality universal free secular and compulsory education. My immediate knee-jerk response in favour of child support gets tangled when it encounters the concept of an irresponsible parent. Where common knee-jerk responses to other issues exist I often know and enjoy the company of people on each side. I have even migrated across a few divides. I intend to stick around and watch myself do it.


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